Disagreements related to what we value seem to explain maybe 10% of the disagreements over AI safety. This post will try to explain how I think about which values I care about perpetuating to the distant future.
Robin Hanson helped to clarify the choices in Which Of Your Origins Are You?:
The key hard question here is this: what aspects of the causal influences that lead to you do you now embrace, and which do you instead reject as “random” errors that you want to cut out? Consider two extremes.
At one extreme, one could endorse absolutely every random element that contributed to any prior choice or intuition.
At the other extreme, you might see yourself as primarily the result of natural selection, both of genes and of memes, and see your core non-random value as that of doing the best you can to continue to “win” at that game. … In this view, everything about you that won’t help your descendants be selected in the long run is a random error that you want to detect and reject.
In other words, the more unique criteria we have about what we want to preserve into the distant future, the less we should expect to succeed.
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