
I participated in the TRIIM-X trial, a phase 2 test by Intervene Immune, intended to regrow the thymus. Regrowing the thymus likely delays age-related declines in health.

I’m also an investor in Intervene Immune.

Here’s a video presentation of some results of the trial. It confirms the moderately impressive evidence from the original TRIIM trial.

The main ingredients of the treatment are human growth hormone, metformin, and DHEA.

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I’ve been using Modere’s Curb, a supplement intended to produce healthy GLP-1 levels.

I started taking it in late October, hoping to lose enough weight (3 to 5 pounds?) that I could stop taking Rauwolfia to handle my blood pressure.

My weight dropped 2 pounds in late November, to 149. Since then my weight has been more stable than before. Any remaining trend has been too small to measure. I suspect that the timing of my weight loss is due to getting more exercise than usual the last week in November.

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The standout announcement from the recent Foresight Vision Weekend came from Openwater, who presented a novel cancer treatment.

I’ve been a bit slow to write about it, in part because my initial reaction was that it’s too good to be true, and most big claims of medical advances are not true.

TL;DR: They’ve developed a cheap ultrasound device that can selectively kill cancer cells by exploiting their unique resonant frequencies, similar to how an opera singer can shatter a wine glass.

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Book review: The Cancer Resolution?: Cancer reinterpreted through another lens, by Mark Lintern.

In the grand tradition of outsiders overturning scientific paradigms, this book proposes a bold new theory: cancer isn’t a cellular malfunction, but a fungal invasion.

Lintern spends too many pages railing against the medical establishment, which feels more like ax-grinding than science. I mostly agreed with his conclusions here, but mostly for somewhat different reasons than the ones he provides.

If you can push through this preamble, you’ll find a treasure trove of scientific intrigue.

Lintern’s central claim is that fungal infections, not genetic mutations, are the primary cause of cancer. He dubs this the “Cell Suppression theory,” painting a picture of fungi as cellular puppet masters, manipulating our cells for their own nefarious ends. This part sounds much more like classical science, backed by hundreds of quotes from peer-reviewed literature.

Those quotes provide extensive evidence that Lintern’s theory predicts dozens of cancer features better than do the established theories.

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Book review: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia.

This year’s book on aging focuses mostly on healthspan rather than lifespan, in an effort to combat the tendency of people in the developed world to have a wasted decade around age 80.

Attia calls his approach Medicine 3.0. He wants people to pay a lot more attention to their lifestyle starting a couple of decades before problems such as diabetes and Alzheimer’s create obvious impacts.

He complains about Medicine 2.0 (i.e. mainstream medicine) treating disease as a binary phenomenon. There’s lots of evidence suggesting that age-related diseases develop slowly over periods of more than a decade.

He’s not aiming to cure aging. He aims to enjoy life until age 100 or 120.

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BioVie Inc recently reported some unusual results from a clinical trial for Alzheimer’s.

They report some mildly encouraging cognitive improvements, but it’s only 3 months into the trial and there’s no placebo group, so it’s easy to imagine they’re just seeing a placebo effect (Annovis’ results show a clear placebo effect, presumably influencing the measurement rather than the actual health).

What interested me is this:

Reduces Horvath DNA Methylation SkinBlood Clock by 3.3 years after 3 months of treatment.

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I previously sounded vaguely optimistic about the Baze blood test technology. They shut down their blood test service this spring, “for the foreseeable future”. Their web site suggests that they plan to resume it someday. I don’t have much hope that they’ll resume selling it.

Shortly after I posted about Baze, they stopped reporting numbers for magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. I.e. they only told me results such as “low”, “optimal”, “normal”, etc. This was apparently was due to FDA regulations, although I’m unclear why.

I’d like to believe that Baze is working on getting permission to report results the way that companies such as Life Extension report a wide variety of tests that are conducted via LabCorp.

At roughly the same time, Thorne Research announced study results of a device that sounds very similar to the Baze device (maybe a bit more reliable?).

Thorne is partly a supplement company, but also already has enough of a focus on testing that I don’t expect it to use tests primarily for selling vitamins, the way Baze did.

I’m debating whether to invest in Thorne.