I’ve been experimenting with an herb known as Kratom for the past few months. I’ve been using about a teaspoon of getkratom.com‘s Bali Kratom. It produces as stimulant effect lasting 6 to 8 hours. I feel more alert, positive, and ambitious while on it. I’m probably less able to focus on one task but better at switching tasks.
It has been reported to be addictive, but I haven’t felt that it’s any more addictive than chocolate. One important caveat is that if I use it two days in a row, the effects are dramatically reduced on the second day. That’s probably what leads to addiction – people are tempted to use it every day, which creates a temptation to use much larger quantities. I’ve been restricting my use to once or twice a week, and I’ll try not to increase that frequency.
What lead you to start taking kratom?
Glad to see responsible use of Kratom. Please keep your blog updated with your thoughts and experiences with Kratom.
Kratom has various benefits.It is used as a pain killer and its various uses are much more effective than any other medicine
Nice article, Kratom is an medically brilliant herb, good day to you!
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