3 comments on “Manipulating futures markets

  1. I assume traders are risk-averse because I am explicitly focused on thin information markets, where the amount traded is much less than any trader’s wealth. In this context, people should be pretty close to risk averse.

  2. Kahneman and Tversky have made some fairly strong arguments that people don’t act as you think they should (look for the phrase "loss aversion"). And David Friedman has some hints in Economics and Evolutionary Psychology about why that isn’t an accident and won’t be easy to change – the status quo is a Schelling point with enough advantages in one-on-one interactions that it has been to our advantage over much of our evolutionary history to have an unreasoning commitment to preserving it.

    One additional point that I forgot to make in my original post is that Tradesports isn’t designed to minimize manipulation. They require that I have enough cash on deposit to pay for all orders I submit. This reduces my willingness to place orders that have a small chance of being executed.

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