Waterfalls around the Forests of Nisene Marks
the Forests of Nisene Marks
Bridge Creek
- waterfall at (37.047111, -121.896243):
Name: Maple Falls
taken 2013-06-15:

the lower part:


Beauty: 8.5
Duration: 365 days after a significant rainfall
Height 45 feet give or take 3 feet
Biggest vertical drop 22 feet
Number of drops 1
Terrain: official trail, not well maintained
Last visited 2013-06-15
id: nisene.4
Unnamed creek flowing west into Aptos Creek
Unnamed creek flowing east into Aptos Creek, south of White's Lagoon
- waterfall at (37.036116, -121.876227):
Beauty: 4
Duration: 60 days after a significant rainfall
Height 10 feet
Biggest vertical drop 5 feet
Terrain: well-maintained trail
Last visited 2015-10-24
id: nisene.6
- Just downstream from Maple Falls at (37.045244, -121.897616):
gps coordinates estimated from map, reliability unknown

Beauty: 5
Duration: 60 days after a significant rainfall
Height 36 feet
Terrain: official trail, not well maintained
id: nisene.2
- Toward the southern end of the Bridge Creek Trail at (37.031655, -121.9022):
gps coordinates estimated from map, reliability unknown

There appears to be at least one more waterfall on this creek below the trail, but I haven't gotten a view there.
Beauty: 5
Duration: 30 days after a significant rainfall
Height 15 feet
Terrain: well-maintained trail
id: nisene.3
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