Rose Peak / Portuguese Point, April 3 with INCH

At Portuguese Point:
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Pond near Portuguese Point:
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Cows starting to run to avoid finding out what happens to those who interfere with an INCH hike (taken shortly after the prior photo):

Indian Valley Open Space Preserve, April 16

The waterfall on the Waterfall Trail:
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viewed from above:
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Arroyo de San Jose, April 16
First Fall:
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Second Fall:
Third Fall:
Fourth Fall:
Fourth Fall seen from the top:
Fifth Fall:

Panoche Hills, April 17 with the SF Hiking Club

Ridge to west of Mercey Hot Springs; Goldfields and Tidy Tips:
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looking west at one of the high points of the ridge:
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a short distance northwest of the hot springs, looking north, Ithuriel's Spears and onions in flower:

Panoche Hills, April 17 with the SF Hiking Club

northeast of the hot springs:
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