White Hill/Cascade Canyon, April 1 with the SF Hiking Club
Top of White Hill:
Cream Cups on north side of summit:
Mt. Tamalpais in background:
Steep descent down southeast ridge of White Hill:
flowers a bit further down the hill:
Rose Peak from Sunol side, April 5
Pond near marker 24:
Same pond from other direction:
Baby Bue Eyes and pond by Buckboard Trail:
Pond on Valpe Ridge Road:
Calero County Park, April 15 with the SF Hiking Club
Fish Camp:
Looking east from the top of the Pena trail:
Returning by Los Cerritos pond:
Descending east side of ridge, pond with iris:
Black Mountain in background:
Sunol, April 28 with the SBQA
near top of Cerro Este: