Henry Coe: Pacheco Falls, Apr 17
Grizzly Gulch trail, looking back to a cloud over the Coyote Creek trailhead:
Pond near the Dexter trail, Popcorn flower and Bird's Eye Gilia in foreground:
from the Dexter trail
from Wasno Road, just east of the Dexter trail:
Looking north to Coit Lake (unidentified pond in foreground):
Wagon Road:
Wood Duck Pond:
Pacheco Falls:
Wood Duck Pond (you can see a duck in the gap between the cattails):
Wood Duck Pond (from same place as prior photo, looking further right):
Wood Duck Pond again:
pond upstream from Coit Lake:
Baby Blue Eyes in foreground; mustard by the stream:
Shooting Stars and Goldfields on Coit Road:
stream flowing out of Kelly Lake:
John at Kelly Lake:
Kelly Lake, Butter-and-Eggs in foreground:
Kelly Lake, Baby Blue Eyes in foreground, Goldfields on other side: