Top of Burma Road: Descending to Deer Flat, Blue Dicks and Narrow-leaved Golden Bush: Views from Eagle Peak: Bald Ridge, with Gilia tricolor and poppies: Prospectors Gap, Silver Lupine and Narrow-leaved Golden Bush: North Peak Trail:
Edgewood County Park, May 2
Dwarf Brodiaea: Tidy Tips: Tidy Tips, Goldfields, and Purple Owls Clover: Tidy Tips: Pair of deer hiding in the shadows:
Marin Headlands / Point Bonita, May 7 with
Cow Parsnips by Wolf Ridge Trail: Lupines: Looking south to Rodeo Beach: Looking toward Point Reyes: View south from a small bluff above Rodeo Beach: Climbing away from Rodeo Beach: Nathan and Robert with Rodeo Lagoon in the background: At Point Bonita Lighthouse: Cabbage, Ice Plant and a Gull:
Fairy Fans (Clarkia breweri) and Blazing Stars (Mentzelia lindleyi) near mile 8 on route 130 east of Mt. Hamilton: San Antionio Valley: a herd of elk amid goldfields and Purple Owls Clover: White Tidy Tips (Layia glandulosa, which is yellow here), Purple Owls Clover and Goldenbush (Ericameria linearifolia):
Murietta Falls, May 12
Rocky Ridge, looking toward Mt. Diablo, many crows(?): first patch of goldfields: view north and northeast from Schlieper Rock: The goldfields get better as I approach the main ridge: Johnny's Pond: Scattered Lupines near streams just above the falls: Murietta Falls: Poppies and Blazing Stars (Mentzelia lindleyi) to the left of the falls: Pond on Greenside trail: pond at Shafer Flat, buttercups nearby, goldfields in distance: Another pond at Shafer Flat, larkspur and butter-and-eggs in front: more flower-filled meadows: Some Birds-eye Gilia (Gilia tricolor) mixed with the goldfields, central valley in distance: Johnny's Pond again:
Mt. Manuel (near Pfeiffer Beach Park) May 14 with Rainbow Rec
A lone Yucca and some morning glories: Vista point near the top: Mountains to the east: Some Tree Poppies (Dendromecon rigida) along the ridge: Lupines:
Looking south along the west branch of Alamo Creek: Mt. Diablo from Black Hawk Ridge: looking west: looking east:
Calero Park, May 19
Bald Peaks Trail: Iris at Cottle Rest Site:
Henry Coe State Park, May 21 with SBQA and the sc-hikers
Some Large Flowered Linanthus (linanthus grandiflorus) near the start: Frog Lake: A patch of Blue-eyed grass (sisyrynchium bellum) with one white flowered plant: A hillside of Chinese Houses on the Fish Trail: The same patch of Large Flowered Linanthus (linanthus grandiflorus) as we return:
San Pedro Mountain to Montara Beach, May 22 with CNPS
Looking north from San Pedro Valley Rd to Pacifica and Mt. Tamalpais: The Devil's Slide area from the trail down to Montara Beach:
Stony Creek Falls, May 27
Snow Mountain - Dixie Glade to Bathhouse trail, May 28 with the SF Hiking Club
A hillside of Red Ribbons (Clarkia concinna) on the drive back: