Hellhole canyon Near Maidenhair Falls: Hellhole canyon:
Saturday: Plum Canyon to Blair Valley
Lots of Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa, which brightens the hills several miles away in the background) and Heliotrope (Phacelia distans): Goldfield (Lasthenia californica) beds near Blair Valley:
Sunday: The Mountain Palm Springs area
Beavertail Cactus (Opuntia basilaris) near Mary's Grove: Barrel cactus at North Grove: Palm Bowl, with lots of Bigelow Monkeyflower (Mimulus bigelovii) in the foreground: Desert Gold Poppies (Eschscholzia glyptosperma) and Lupines, just east of Palm Bowl: Looking northeast from the ridge leading up to Torote Bowl: List of plants seen.
Sunol Regional Wilderness, March 17
Pond near intersection of McCorkle and Cerro Este trails: Cerro Este Roda: Cave Rocks Road: Silver Lupine (Lupinus albifrons), near top of Eagle View Trail, looking towards Flag Hill: Looking east from a little further:
Northwest corner of Mt. Diablo, March 25 with the SF Hiking Club
Looking down to Mitchell Canyon from the climb to Black Point. Gilia and Purple Owl's Clover in the foreground: Looking north from Olofson Ridge, Narrow-leaved Golden Bush in the foreground: Looking toward Eagle Peak from highest accesible point on Olofson Ridge: Heading down Olofson Ridge with a field of Gilia: Fields to the west of the ridges:
San Pablo Ridge / Wildcat Canyon, March 26 with the SF Hiking Club
Henry Coe: Wilson and Vasquez Peaks, March 27 with GLS
Jim Donnelly Trail: Steer Ridge Road: Johnny-Jump-Ups (Viola pedunculata), looking northwest: Some Johnny-Tuck (Butter and Eggs, Triphysaria eriantha): Approaching Willson Peak - Johnny-Jump-Ups (Viola pedunculata), looking northwest: Gilia tricolor and Goldfields (Lasthenia californica): From Willson Peak: Just east of the peak, patches of Cream Cups (Platystemon californicus): Following the ridge east, lots of Johnny-Tuck: A pond below Vasquez Peak: Two more ponds a little further down: A pond near the Lyman Willson Ridge trail, just below the Bowl trail: A pond further down Lyman Willson ridge, a few Checker Mallow (Sidalcea malvaeflora) in foreground: